Mediterranean Vegetable Stew (25 Min)

Although lots of vegetarian and vegan meals can taste amazing, they’re often not filling enough or have enough protein. That’s why I love knowing a few bean and lentil dishes that I can turn to when I want a meat-free evening. Lentils and beans make a wonderful base for vegetarian meals. They’re nutritious, cheap and … Read more

Saturated Fats: What You Need to Know

Saturated fats are often called the ‘bad’ fats. However, there has been a lot of confusion recently about the effect and extent saturated fats have on your body. This article will look at the evidence behind saturated fats and clear up some of the confusion. What are Saturated Fats? Fats are a type of macronutrient, … Read more

5 Mediterranean Breakfasts to Make in 10 Minutes or Less

Breakfast is an important meal to have. Breakfast skippers in one study were by about 14 % more likely to have a higher body fat percentage and higher BMI values and waist circumferences (1). Mediterranean breakfast foods vary depending on which region of the Mediterranean. But for the most part, they are quick and light. … Read more

Mediterranean Diet Food & Shopping List (PDF Included)

One of the most common problems when starting a Mediterranean diet is wondering what exactly you’re supposed to buy. Cooking healthy meals is easier if you stock your cupboards with staples common to many Mediterranean dishes. This shopping list will show what your basic options are for a Mediterranean diet shopping list whilst keeping things as … Read more

8 Cholesterol-Lowering Foods to Include in Your Mediterranean Diet

Studies have shown the Mediterranean diet to be effective in improving cholesterol.   Having high LDL (the “bad”) cholesterol correlates to an increased risk of heart disease.   However, having low HDL (the “good”) cholesterol and high triglycerides is also linked to increased risk (study). Here are 8 foods that have been shown to lower cholesterol and improve … Read more